So I made a comic. Huzzah!

I didn't know how to make a comic or to even choose a topic, and everybody just says "write from experience", and I did just that. I don't know how people who haven't flown a lot or left home would feel about this. Or people who didn't have the same type of parents I did. It was a truly personal and intimate experience while composing this comic, exploring all the ideas and options of what content of my life to put into it; far more personal of an experience than the finished product. There. The softer side of Ivan.

Trust me when I say making this took waaaaay more time than I imagined. Planning the layout and the panels and the text took most of the time. Thankfully, I had a panel of fantastic friends who proofread it for me, but given the time-constraints, I had to execute it without thoroughly trouble-shooting all the problems.​ 

Well, nothing in life is perfect. Hope you guys enjoy this =)​